Sunday, 19 June 2011

Blackbirds-1 : Me-0

    The other day my big old redcurrant bush that ive inherited on my plot was dripping in currants. i went away looking for recipes for redcurrant jelly. I was looking forward to it as ive never used redcurrants for cooking before. However the next day when i was going to harvest them the heavens decided to open and it poured it down all day. I was grateful for this though as its been so dry recently, so it saved me watering everything.

    However the next day when the raining had stopped i went to pick my currants. Once i got to the plot i was shocked! The bush had been completely stripped in 24hours. Damn those blackbirds! They must of had a feast- an eat as much as you can buffet! i managed to pick the few stragglers that the birds obviously didnt want.

    And this is my result from my pickings. Just half a jar of red currant jelly. But this will be the best half a jar of redcurrant jelly i will eat! well ive learnt my lesson this year- the currants dont wait around for you to pick them. blackbirds- 1 : me- 0

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